There are five types of signs, which categorized by the number of hands involved and their relative articulation.
Defined values for Sign Type are as follows:
  • 1-handed
  • The sign involves only one hand.
  • 2-handed type 1
  • The sign involves two hands. The non-dominant hand (H2) copies the movement of the dominant hand (H1).
  • 2-handed type 2
  • The sign involves two hands. The non-dominant hand (H2) has the SAME handshape with the dominant hand (H1) but remains passive or serve as the place of articulation.
  • 2-handed type 3
  • The sign involves two hands. The non-dominant hand (H2) has DIFFERENT handshape from the dominant hand (H1) but remains passive or serve as the place of articulation.
  • 2-handed
  • For some researchers, two handed signs do not further divide into 3 categories, which then included in this type.