The Asian Sign Bank is an online database that contains sign language data from various countries in Asia. The data can be used for sign language research, sign language teaching, or sign language interpreter training. The data is documented by the team of Deaf and hearing researchers through the Asia-Pacific Sign Linguistics and Training Program funded by the Nippon Foundation. The data search system in the Asian Sign Bank can be done in two ways, through handshape selection or by typing specific words which are not only in English but also in other Asian languages. For example, when we search for a sign from HKSL (Hong Kong Sign Language), we can type the word in Chinese or when we explore a sign from JSL (Japanese Sign Language), we can type in Japanese. On the main page, there is a variety of general information to choose from, including a list of information on one-handed signs, two-handed signs, handshapes, or a list of sign languages from Asian countries. These phonetic features are also stored in an Excel table to make it easier for a researcher to do analysis. As for sign language research needs, there is information based on phonological parameters, namely location, movement, and handshape. Besides the research needs, the Asian Sign Bank provides various sign language teaching materials and dictionaries. The sign language dictionary contains line-drawing illustrations of sign vocabulary and written Indonesian. If you are interested in learning more or have any inquiries, please contact us via the following email address.